Prepare for the job interview

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Job interview simulator

    Howdy! Here you can get access to the Job Interview Simulator.
    The training interview takes place as follows:
    1. You specify the phone linked to the WhatsApp messenger.
    2. Our operator will contact you.
    3. You pay $70.
    4. Our operator will send you questions that can be asked at the job interview. Questions will be asked about you experience, professional questions, general and situational questions. There are 10 to 20 questions in total.
    5. You answer questions verbally or in writing.
    6. For answers for which something is unclear or a more extended answer is needed, additional questions will be asked.
    7. You answer questions verbally or in writing.
    8. The operator writes conclusions and gives the necessary advice.

    Are you interesting this opportunity?

    If you have access to the privat content of our site, you may not be interested in the Job Interview Simulator, because most of the questions are taken from there.
    If you still want to use Job Interview Simulator, please answer the following questions:

    You phone number linked to the WhatsApp messenger

    Duration of your employment in years

    Are you the Boss?

    Your profession. Choose from the available ones:

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