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How to interview for a Sales Manager

Are you looking for a job in sales? Are you passionate about sales? Sales are activities related to the sale or services sold over a certain period of time. The seller or supplier of goods or services completes the sale in response to a purchase, assignment, request or direct interaction with the buyer at the point of sale. Some of the popular part-time and full-time jobs are sales manager, Field sales manager, travel sales, corporate sales and internal sales consultant. The following questions and answers to sales interviews will be useful for preparing for a sales interview.

Question: How Will You Introduce Yourself To The Customer?


Customers are the backbone of an organization. As a sales person, you should know how to handle their queries in a proper way. 

Question: It Is Said That Smile And Patience Are Two Vital Aspects Of A Sales Job. What Is Your Opinion ?


Yes, it is absolutely right. 

You should have a pleasant personality in order to impress your customer. Make sure that you talk to them with a smile on your face. It will create a friendly atmosphere between you and your client. Your one smile can make them feel comfortable. 

Having patience is another important aspect of a sales job. You meet customers with different attitude each day. Attend to their queries patiently. Do not express any sort of dissatisfaction. Always remember, having patience will give good results at the end.

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