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How to interview for a Financier

If you are able to manage finances, then look for and apply for jobs and prepare for interviews. There are many professions related to finance, some examples are financial executive, assistant manager of finance, manager, minister of finance, heads of finance and accounting, lead principal analyst, analyst, finance researcher, sales manager, financial reporter, budget manager, etc.

Our platform has prepared a list of frequently asked finance interview questions, along with answers to them.

By reviewing this list, you will have a successful interview. Success awaits you!

Question: What is Working Capital?


By definition, working capital is current assets minus current liabilities. The working capital figure shows the financial manager how much of an organization's cash is tied up in items such as accounts receivable and inventories. It also indicates how much cash will be needed to pay off short-term debts and liabilities over the next year.

Question: Why do Capital Expenditures Increase the Organization's Assets (pp & e) While Other Expenses Such as Taxes, Employee Wages, Utility Bills, etc. Do not increase an Organization's Asset Base, but are instead reported on the Statement of Profit and Loss as Expenses that Decrease Equity at the Expense Account of Undistributed Profit?


Unlike general expenses, which benefit over a short period of time (e.g., employee work, taxes, etc.), capital expenses benefit over a longer period of time. Because of the length of their intended benefit-usually several years-capital costs are capitalized on the balance sheet, where the shorter-term costs are reported on the income statement. This is the difference between an asset and an expense.

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