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Why have you changed jobs so frequently?

Alternative Question :

- Why would you be more likely to stay here?

Even though tenure in companies these days tends to be much shorter than a decade or two ago, employers are reluctant to hire people who change jobs excessively, especially if there seems to be no good reason for frequent shifts. Hiring and training employees is an investment the employer makes. She wants to get a reasonable return on that cost. Stress reasons why the situation(s) that caused you to job-hop no longer exist or what is different about this opportunity that will cause you to stay. Emphasize that you intend to make this a long-term commitment.

Sample Answer:

 I realize I did not stay long in the first three jobs I held after college. In each case, I accepted positions in very small firms. Each time I studied and quickly gained qualifications, but found that there was nowhere to go further. I'm stuck in a hopeless job. With this job search I have limited my interest to firms like yours that are large enough for me to grow with the firm as my skills increase.

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