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What are your goals for the future?

One of the questions typically asked during an interview is about your future goals. An interview questions like "What are your long-term goals?" and "Where do you see yourself in three years?" are some tricky questions thrown at the candidates during the job interview.

This is the right time to inform the interviewer about your short-term and long-term plans, the interviewer would like to know how stable you are in your professional/personal life. Convince them that you can use all your skills and experience and grow together with the company you work in.

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Interviewers do not hire candidates who won't be moving on to another job right away. This question also helps them determine whether you are suitable for the company. If your goals coincide with what you will do or could do with them, it will mean that you can succeed in this company. Follow these general advice to answer them in the best way possible.

Note - General Tips:

  • Keep it in the near future and keep it reasonable.
  • Show the interviewer you're ambitious and visionary.
  • List all your powers and skills.
  • Tell them you're not going to change your job right away.
  • Be sure to mention that you are interested in a long-term position.
  • Try to bring up skills and traits that you have that would help you do the job.
  • Connect your future goals to the position.
  • Do not mention a career path that couldn’t happen in the company you are interviewing with.
  • Tell them you're not going to change your job right away.
  • Get clear about what you like about the work you claim.

Sample Answer:  My goal is to maintain a good reputation and grow at work and as a person. I want to continue to study new methods that will hone my skills and experience. I would like to develop to the point where I see myself as a great leader and manager who pushes employees to get better, and therefore makes the company better.

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