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How Do You Feel About Working Nights And Weekends?

This question is usually asked to see who is actually committed to work and how committed you are to your work. It is about personal choice and necessity of work. Some companies want employees to work around the clock, so it is not unusual to be asked, “How do you feel about working nights and weekends” during a job interview. In some jobs, it is going to be essential for you to work unusual hours – and if that’s the case the interviewer probably wouldn’t even be asking you the question.

If you really want the job to be in your hands, accepting the challenge doesn't matter much. Some candidates who work at night may have trouble balancing their work and family lives, so if you are unwilling to accept it, then answer this question in a way that shows you would be dedicated to the position regardless of what your schedule would be like. As a rule, an interviewer is likely to ask you this question if overtime work/work in the evenings/weekends is not really the norm for your work.

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Note - General Tips:

  • Be honest about your availability.
  • First of all, represent yourself you're passionate about your work.
  • Try to answer YES if possible.
  • Be sure to mention what may prevent you from working at night and on weekends if it is a problem.
  • Be straightforward with your response and don’t give an answer that’s would lose your chance of getting the job. 
  • Add something from your family, which will make you a routine schedule after a working day.
  • Show your dedication to the job and position.


Working night and at weekend is not a big issue for me if I am really dedicated towards my job and goal. Accepting challenges is the biggest step to success, and if I have some work and I haven't been able to do it in the specified period of time, I will definitely do my job on weekends or at night.

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