Prepare for the job interview

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How do you explain your gap in employment?

Recently, this question at the interview is increasingly being asked to all job seekers.

Employment gaps are always hard to explain. When a candidate applies for a job, a large unexplained gap in their work record can sometimes ruin a job interview.

So, What should be done? Before you go to the interview, try to identify a few things you gained from your time away. It’s a plus point if you can put down work as a freelancer. Indicate in your response that you have spent time volunteering to develop a new skill to increase your value in the workforce.Avoid mentioning a reason like personality conflicts, poor performance, or any other reason that could make you a risky hire. It's better to include great examples like, volunteer work, freelance and consulting projects, and taking graduate, certificate or continuing education courses.Focus on showing that you've been busy and how your experience will help you become a valuable employee.

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