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Are you willing to relocate for this job?

Migrating to a new place can be an exciting idea, but when it comes to interviewing, a hiring manager asks, “Are you willing to relocate for the job” in which they may be looking for something different. This is a question that everyone should think about at some point. In this matter, as a rule, you need to make a choice: either say yes and continue to work for them, or decline and face the consequences.

Most large employers own multiple branches, so they might be asking this question for recent aim or for future internal moves within the company. So if you say ‘no’ to this question, you maybe won’t get the job. If you are willing to relocate, say so. However, when answering, make sure that your voice sounds sincere, flexible, tactful and reasonable. The answer that you are definitely ready to move will show that you are willing to do whatever it takes to be part of the company and the team.

Let's Take a Look at some secret Reason behind this question:

  • The employer wants to find out how flexible you are with your move now and in the future.
  • If you agree to their offer, Say "YES" with enthusiasm.
  • The interviewer is trying to gauge your enthusiasm for the position.

Note - General Tips:

  • Respond with enthusiasm about this position, whether you're ready to move or not.
  • Don’t just say “No” if you are unable to move.
  • Never say, "Are you going to pay me more?". 
  • You can ask questions to learn more about relocation to see if it is right for you.

Yes Answer:

Of course, I would like to relocate or travel. This will help to gain some experience. Based on my skills and experience in this industry, I am a good fit for this position and would love to relocate to work for your company.

No Answer:

This is a great opportunity for my career and would love to be a part of the team, but Unfortunately, moving is not an option for me right now. However, I can promise full dedication to this role. My circumstances may change in the future and I would certainly consider that then.

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