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How to interview for a Hotel Manager

Do you have a background in hotel management? Do you have the ability to attract people with your pleasant personality and hospitality? Are you able to multitask? As the hotel management industry is booming in the world today, various five-star and seven-star hotels are looking for good candidates with a pleasant personality, excellent interpersonal and technical skills, for multi-tasking operations, the ability to provide hospitality to guests. Take the opportunity by going through the most frequently asked questions and answers to prepare for your interview.

Question: Why did you choose the profession of Administrator from Many Others?


For those who love people and have good communication skills, working as a receptionist can be a very good thing. First answer the question naturally, without sounding rehearsed, and build up your confidence to start the interview. You might say, "I would like to work as a receptionist because I like working with the public and feeling.

I can overcome any problems they might have, and I have good organizational skills." Even you can mention all your skills( job requirements) which could be your communication skills, computer skills, strengths, customer service skills, etc.

Question: In your opinion, What is the Most Important Skill Required for an Administrator?


The most important skill required for a receptionist is excellent communication skills along with good organizational skills, a positive attitude and a friendly nature at all times. Since the receptionist is the first person a person comes into contact with the hotel, it is therefore very important for the receptionist to give a good first facial expression. Being polite and having a professional demeanor will make it easy to solve a customer's problem. Along with this, you can say that reliability is one of the professional traits that a receptionist should possess because opening the counter on time and demonstrating a responsive attitude are important characteristics that employees and customers expect.

Question: Why did you choose the profession of Administrator from Many Others?


For those who love people and have good communication skills, working as a receptionist can be a very good thing. First answer the question naturally, without sounding rehearsed, and build up your confidence to start the interview. You might say, "I would like to work as a receptionist because I like working with the public and feeling.

I can overcome any problems they might have, and I have good organizational skills." Even you can mention all your skills( job requirements) which could be your communication skills, computer skills, strengths, customer service skills, etc.

Question: In your opinion, What is the Most Important Skill Required for an Administrator?


The most important skill required for a receptionist is excellent communication skills along with good organizational skills, a positive attitude and a friendly nature at all times. Since the receptionist is the first person a person comes into contact with the hotel, it is therefore very important for the receptionist to give a good first facial expression. Being polite and having a professional demeanor will make it easy to solve a customer's problem. Along with this, you can say that reliability is one of the professional traits that a receptionist should possess because opening the counter on time and demonstrating a responsive attitude are important characteristics that employees and customers expect.

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Question: How long will you work at our hotel if you are hired?


When you answer, be sure to phrase your answer in a way that is positive. Give the interviewer a clear understanding of how and why working for them is very attractive to you, so that you can say you want to stay long term if your presence is beneficial to your hotel and guests as well as to me.

For example, you might say:

  • I would like to continue my career here as long as I have the opportunity.
  • I would like to stay on the job here as long as my services are needed.
  • I like new challenges and the opportunity to grow. As long as I keep getting them, I don't think I'll need to switch.
  • This hotel has everything I'm looking for. It provides the kind of work that I love, the employees are all happy, and the environment is great. I plan to stay for a long time."
Question: How do you convince an unsatisfied guest of our hotel?


A good answer to this question might be that you will definitely approach an unsatisfied or angry customer/guest with a smile, try to remain calm and positive, and disclose the reason why he was dissatisfied or behaved offensively. Once you discover that reason, you will try to solve his problem or call an experienced staff member to help you.

A good receptionist would not be intimidated by disgruntled or angry guests. They just belong in the job. The best way to ultimately make unhappy guests happy is to reassure them that you are working on their behalf to solve any problems, and that you are not interested in taking a hostile stance.

You can share some tips during the interview about how you handled unhappy guests in your past job, or you can share some points such as:

  • Taking full responsibility for dealing with any open questions.
  • Being lenient, accepting blame wherever it is warranted.
  • Assuring them that you will provide them with a final solution as soon as possible and then follow through on the promised actions.
Question: What is your Typing Speed when using word processing software?


This question sounds generalized, but it is not. Typing skills are more important now than ever! Are interviewers today using the term? typing skills? but they are really talking about keystroke skills. An administrator's job requires a minimum typing speed of 40 words per minute with excellent oral and written communication skills. And speed and accuracy can only come from training your fingers to know the exact location of each key on the keyboard, so you need to practice that as much as you can. Your interviewer wants to know how fast you can type and how organized you are, and to answer this question you can say that your typing speed and skills are very good and are constantly improving.

Typing comes natural to you, you've always been good at multitasking. And forget to mention your typing speed, which should be between 38 and 50 rpm (words per minute).

Question: How would you organize your schedule?


The interviewer expects you to be organized and deal effectively with changes in your schedule. In your answer, you can indicate how you handle your daily workload, with some examples from previous work experiences where your organizational skills have been demonstrated. Add the following few items to make your response more efficient, i.e., you will manage databases and create reports, manage phone, fax, and email information, organize guests, organize paperwork, and maintain electronic files such as presentations and spreadsheets.

Question: What do you think are the Responsibilities of a Hotel Administrator?


Basic hotel research will help you answer this question more. The main responsibilities of a hotel manager that you can mention in your answer are :

  • Make guests feel welcome by managing room reservations (also known as reservations).
  • Manage reservations by phone, email, letter, fax, or in person
  • Perform guest arrival and departure procedures
  • Performing special guest requests (e.g., theater ticket reservations or storage of valuables)
  • Handling of complaints or problems
  • Selecting rooms and issuing keys
  • Preparing bills and accepting payments
  • Answering questions about what the hotel and surrounding area has to offer.

Show your complete knowledge in brief of how knowledgeable you are about hotel operations.

Question: What languages can you speak?


Since you will also have to deal with foreign guests, you will have to learn a foreign language as I mentioned earlier. So if you have learned any new language or want to learn a new one, you can mention it in your answer.If not, say so, you need to be honest here so it won't cause a problem in the future.

Question: Why do you want to work in our hotel?


Impress the interviewer by expressing your interest in the hotel profile and showing your enthusiasm for working at the hotel. You can say that you trust this hotel as the best place to use your experience and skills for the benefit of the hotel. Mention the aspects you liked most about the hotel.

For example, you might also say that :

  • You are one of the top hotels, and I want to work with the best. This will help you use your skills, knowledge effectively and efficiently.
Question: Because work is repetitive. How would you encourage yourself to do good work regularly?


This is your opportunity to tell your potential interviewer what keeps you focused. You can include in your answer :

  • Leading a healthy lifestyle. Eating right and drinking plenty of water in the office can have a big impact on your level of concentration.
  • Motivate others and create a positive atmosphere in the hotel.
  • Break down your workload into daily or hourly goals so that the next little success is never too far away.
Question: What Makes a Good Administrator Good?


As we mentioned above, there are some unique qualities that can make an administrator good. These are:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Patience and tact
  • Ability to use computerized technology effectively
  • Good problem-solving skills
  • Ability to remain calm under pressure and take care of several things at once
  • Strong customer service skills
  • Ability to adapt to different guests
  • Friendly and professional manner on the phone.

Not only do you need to mention these qualities, but you need to learn these qualities so that you can perform well and better than others.

Question: What are your Strengths as an Administrator?


This question will help hone your qualifications, your skills according to the interviewer. By providing convincing answers to the interviewer's question about strengths, you not only outline your strengths to the interviewer, but you should also provide evidence to support them by giving examples of our past accomplishments. And your answer should emphasize strengths such as "working with clients and customers," "arranging appointments," or "solving problems." Choose one of these, then illustrate it with specific job-related details. You will want to point out strengths that apply to this job. You can point out some strengths (similar to job requirements such as:

  • Your friendly nature.
  • Your communication skills
  • Your level of patience.
Question: Why do you think you would be perfect for the position?


First understand the role and then emphasize how your skills, experience, and personal qualities fit the role. Show them not only that you are qualified for the job, but that you are confident that you can succeed by taking on the challenges the job offers. You can use this question as an opportunity to talk again about your qualifications, credentials, and psychological strengths that can benefit this position. For example:

  • I think I thrive in this job because my college education and knowledge is appropriate for this job and will also be beneficial to the hotel.
  • I think I meet (or nearly meet) all the necessary qualifications, skills for this job.
Question: Do you think you are overqualified for this position?


With a little preparation, you can change this question and demonstrate the benefits of the hotel if you are given the job, instead of just focusing on why you want it. So avoid saying things like?I can't find anything else, and I really need the job? even though it may be true. That sounds like frustration. State that I am very well qualified for the position. Even if I am overqualified for the job, it is better for your school and for me in the future. An overqualified person doesn't lose; they stay ahead of others.

For example:

  • In my opinion, none of them are qualified for any position, instead they can learn much more, which keeps them moving forward.
  • No, sir, I don't think so. Because I'm always learning, and my learning never ends. So anytime I'm upskilling myself, I'm trying to advance and adapt to the work environment. So I'm not overqualified.
Question: How would you rate your Effectiveness at this job?


Performance appraisal has become an ongoing process by which an employee's understanding of the company's goals and his or her progress toward achieving them are measured. Measuring performance is an ongoing activity for all managers and their subordinates. This is a fairly straightforward issue, discuss the key performance indicators by which your performance has been measured. It also shows your suitability for the position. You could say that performance can be measured as a set of goals that a person achieves in their life. Outcomes as measured by achieving satisfaction with our work. So I feel that satisfaction is a measure of performance.

Question: Why Should We Choose You?


Be prepared to explain why the interviewer should choose you for this job, this question will be about your ability to sell yourself. This is where you need to think of yourself as a product, and why should the client buy you? Give them good reasons. The best way to answer this question is to make a short list of your qualities, skills similar to the job profile that you aspire to, in a paragraph that outlines the positive aspects that you will bring to the new position. Demonstrate to your interviewer your good organizational skills and excellent communication skills. Just give your interviewer a good reason to hire you.

For example, you might say:

  • I'm enthusiastic and willing to work hard. I am a quick learner and work with intelligence. With strong determination and sincerity about my job, I will do whatever it takes to achieve the organization's goals.
  • All I ask now is that you give me a chance to showcase my talent and skills. And in return, I will do my best to be the best at whatever you would like me to do. I assure you, I will give 100% and I will not let you down.
  • As I know very well, you have a great list of candidates, all of whom are very good and talented, but I know that I am the best fit for your hotel because of my hardworking, sincere, dedicated, well-disciplined nature, in addition to that integrity, which is the most important quality for any employee, and I will definitely be a benefit to your hotel.
Question: Are you comfortable working different shifts?


The interviewer wants to test your flexibility in working different shifts, so you need to be honest about this question. And if you don't have any problems, then you can say that yes, you are comfortable if the company requires it, or yes, I am comfortable.(Even if you don't like it, you should do it because it is a manageable risk).

Question: What Would You Do If A Guest Complained About Your Service.


An unhappy guest is bad news for any company or hotel, and it only takes one of them to ruin a perfectly good day's work for everyone. Whatever the reason, unhappy customers are still our guests and our hope for future business, and we want them to be happy again. So you could say that you would :

  • Listen to the customer and don't interrupt them.
  • Thank the guest for bringing the problem to your attention.
  • Sincerely convey your apologies to the guest.
  • Identify what the guest is looking for as a solution.
  • Act on the solution with a sense of urgency. The guest will often respond more positively to your focus on helping them immediately rather than the solution itself.
Question: What do you know about our hotel?


The interviewer wants to know if you have done your homework or not. So before you go to the interview, you need to gather as much information about the hotel as possible, go to the hotel's website. Use search engines to find hotels and individuals. Look for their mission statement and how they describe themselves.

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